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How to use Hypnotic Audio Files

Common Sense Warning Time: Do not listen anywhere that you need to keep your eyes open.
Driving while listening to hypnotic audios is dangerous. Do not do it.

1.          Listen once all the way through with your eyes open.

2.          Have no expectations and put no pressure on yourself.

3.          The best way to listen is whatever way is most fun for you :)

4.          Set an alarm if needed so you don't fall asleep afterwards.

5.          Have a consistent routine around listening.

6.          Listen for at least a week, every day.

7.          You don't have to listen more than once a day.

How Do I Listen?

Common Sense Warning Time: Do not listen anywhere that you need to keep your eyes open.
Driving while listening to hypnotic audios is dangerous. Do not do it.

Listen once all the way through with your eyes open. This will allow you to stay conscious and aware of the content of the session and to make sure that you agree with the positive suggestions. If there are any suggestions you don't like, feel free to edit the audio using software like Ocenaudio to remove anything you don't like. Once you have done that, for any following listening, simply close your eyes and you'll be able to relax much more deeply knowing that nothing in the recording can hurt you and that it's all positive :)

Have no expectations and put no pressure on yourself. Enjoy a hypnotic audio file like you enjoy watching a movie. You've got snacks, you get prepared, you turn the lights off, you get comfy, the movie starts and you let yourself be absorbed in what is unfolding and happening. You know that it's a movie, but you don't mind. You don't put pressure on yourself for a particular thing to happen, or for you to feel a certain way afterwards. You simply listen, have fun and enjoy. Don't put pressure on yourself, just enjoy it like a movie :)

The best way to listen is the way thats most fun for you. You can sit down or lie in bed. You can make a pile of pillows or close the blinds to make the room dark. You can listen in your bedroom or drift off while sunbathing in the backyard. You can tell others that you don't want to be bothered, or you can listen when the house is empty or when it's late at night. Because hypnosis happens in the privacy of your mind, no one else ever has to know what you're thinking or experiencing unless you want to tell them. So play and have fun with listening :)

Set an alarm if needed so you don't fall asleep afterwards. Setting an alarm lets you know that you can relax and enjoy the session, without needing to worry about falling asleep afterwards or missing anything. It lets your mind relax so that you can easily drift deeper. No stress :)

Have a consistent routine around listening. If you can, try to listen in the same place and the same way. Make a fun little habit of getting ready to go into hypnosis for the purposes of positive change and you'll notice after the first few times that you'll get way more into it. Don't worry too much about listening at the same time each day (see FAQ) as that makes no real difference, but having a fun little habit around listening - like in the afternoon when you get home from work, or in bed when falling asleep at night really helps :)

Listen for at least a week, every day. Consistency and repetition really work. If you feel like you aren't "getting it", take the pressure off yourself and simply listen to it and enjoy. Think of it as taking time out of your day to take proper care of yourself and be proud that you are making your needs important in your life, because they are important. You matter :) It is okay to make your needs a priority in your life (not THE ONLY priority, but A priority). Listen to the audio every day for a week and have a fun and solid setup and routine, and take the pressure off and simply enjoy it :) Consistency in listening over time is key to maximising positive benefits.

You don't have to listen more than once a day. Your mind will make these changes the best when you give yourself time and good life experiences to enjoy. Take the pressure off yourself and give yourself the time that you would give anyone that you loved for the changes to happen. Don't judge yourself, just accept it. If you love listening to an audio so much that you want to listen to it multiple times a day, thats fine. Enjoy that! But it's better to listen once a day, for longer than week if you want to. Simply remember that life is for living :)

Some Example Setups

Wake up twenty minutes earlier and listen in bed first thing in the morning. Stay warm and cosy and comfy, and drift back off to the sound of my voice. This will clear your mind, you can go back to "sleep" until your alarm wakes you at the end of the session, and its a great way to start your day :) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED


Listen in the afternoon after school or work but while the house is empty. Relax somewhere that you won't be disturbed or bothered and use the audio like a mini powernap. Switch off your brain after a busy day and clear out your thoughts so you can continue working in the afternoon or relax into the evening with a clear mind. Be sure to set an alarm so you don't fall asleep.


Make listening to an audio last thing in your day a great way to get to sleep. After a couple of times, you'll become familiar with the content and can easily drift off to sleep - use a session designed to be fallen asleep to. You may even have particularly fun or positive dreams that night, and you'll often sleep very well :) Listening to a hypnotic audio to drift off to sleep also really helps you if you are trying to get to sleep at a consistant time each night.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my mind wanders during the session?

It still counts. Your mind can wander to all sorts of things, it's common to have flashes of creativity or insight when listening. It's okay to keep a notepad handy and write these ideas down, I do :) Then just close your eyes and you'll go right back into hypnosis.

What happens if I "fall asleep" or I don't remember parts of the session?

It still counts. If you remember it, great! If you don't, great! Your unconcious mind is listening anyway, absorbing the positive suggestions and making strong, positive changes in your life regardless of whether you remember the session or not.

When should I listen?

Whenever works best for you and you can close your eyes and not be disturbed. First thing in the morning or last thing at night works great.